
Before learn

Before we learn

How To Speak Spanish?

How To Speak Spanish?

Language is communication.

You can’t just go out with somebody and try to speak Spanish, knowing just 10 or even 20 words; no matter if you can pronounce those words correctly (it would be wonderful, but it’s not enough. You will be able maybe to introduce yourself, and also to talk about time, or weather, or about some basic stuff, but you will not have enough words to receive more vocabulary and concepts because you will not be able to talk about many different topics.

The internet gives us the chance to meet people from almost the entire world. And that will be a big help for you to learn Spanish, specially to practice. But without enough base in language, we are going to squeeze all the potential of it.

This is one of the methods of learning language that I want to recommend you. Talk, talk and talk.

The advantages of this way is to practice and learn. Talking is something interesting, not boring and very enriching, because it is totally communicative and you can decide with whom you want to talk. You can decide from where it will be the person, and you even can find people with the same interests as you have or very strange people and learn about it.

But as I said, first it is necessary to have something to go outside and face Spanish successfully. I think the start of this base should be greetings in Spanish and some important phrases like how to make questions, how to express agreement, how to explain yourself, what things you think and what do you want, even if you don’t have a very complex vocabulary to make more complete expressions.

Let’s make one example. You want to practice your Spanish. You’ve told your friend that you want he talks with more slang and you will try to understand it, because you want to learn it. So, now, you and your friend are talking about music.

You: – A mi me gusta mucho este grupo de música.

Your friend: – Sí, ese grupo de música me late mucho, tocan muy chido, ¿no?

Probably you will not understand what means “me late”. Or “chido”. But anyway, you can understand that his reaction was positive about your likes of this group. So, what you have to do now is to ask him:

– Hey, ¿Qué significa chido… ?”, o, ¿Qué significa me late”?

And then, him as a specialized Spanish dictionary will explain you.

Practice Spanish and hasta pronto!