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A Ten Year Insider’s Review of Market America – Pros and Cons

A Ten Year Insider’s Review of Market America – Pros and Cons

My review of Market America comes from firsthand experience. I spent 10 years of my life investing time and energy into Market America as an independent “Unfranchise” owner at the Professional Coordinator level. I was a certified trainer, internet certified trainer, motives consultant and a two-time Presidents Challenge award winner. This opportunity yielded incomes that ranged from $4500 to $7500 dollars a month.

My time spent with Market America was a worthwhile experience. I respect this company and am grateful for what it taught me. Over 10 years, I believe I earned great deal of reward for my efforts. I am an advocate for Market America’s models for research, but I would insist you get all of the facts first. Like any business effort, it is not fool proof. Here are the areas that I feel are the most important areas of the business that you should be concerned with before making a decision in investing and partnering with Market America


“Mall without walls” is truly a concept that Market America has embraced as you can see on their website. Since they do not manufacture any products rather they find exclusive products made by companies that have strong product development and research. The “Unfranchise” brings the product to the user via the owner’s network.

International Expansion

Market America does business in four countries. However, I feel they should have the ability and resources to expand. The products they offer are varied and should have international appeal. With products ranging from anti-aging, beauty and personal care, health and nutrition, cell phones, print center to your own shopping portal where you can access affiliates like Best Buy, Apple Store, Victoria Secret and thousands more. They have the ability to offer customers and owners what they demand.

Market America requires networking to succeed.

Binomial Marketing

Binomial Marketing System with the Management Performance Compensation Plan MPCP is a mutation from binary marketing. In order to make money, In order to make you must enlist two people. One recruit on your left side and one on the right. That’s called activating. To qualify your business must be able to accumulate The top level of investment averages around $750 worth of product at distributor cost.

Commission cycles at $1500 with the opportunity for a management bonus of $600 if you help two other “Unfranchise” owners in your organization.

Requirements To Make Money?

Market America imposes many requirements on the “Unfranchise” owners. That broke the mold for the perfect business which would allow for someone to put the plan in motion and then make commissions from its output. Required meetings also sour the deal because of the explicit and implicit personal expense that is involved. Airfare, hotel stays, meetings, monthly seminars and weekend trainings, cost money of which come out of your revenue.

So is Market America a scam or legit?

Market America is not a scam. In fact, it is a legitimate business opportunity with a solid compensation plan and unlimited products. As with any business, your results are based on your efforts and abilities in marketing your business.