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How to Overcome the Flesh to Fulfill Your Divine Destiny

How to Overcome the Flesh to Fulfill Your Divine Destiny

Christians have struggled with the flesh since the early apostles walked the dusty roads of Jerusalem, hence the Bible states, “The spirit is indeed willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matthew 26:41b KJV). How do you overcome the flesh to fulfill your divine destiny, the destiny especially designed for you by God? Can you overcome the works of the flesh in your own strength? Not hardly. But before you role up your spiritual sleeves to tackle this task of overcoming the flesh to fulfill your divine destiny, let’s first define what the flesh is. The following fictitious story gives you an illustrative definition of your enemy, the flesh.

John was cruising in his Corvette convertible along the California coastline enjoying the sunset as seagulls darted and glided over breaking waves when he glanced in his rearview mirror and saw him. A man in an older Mercedes was tailgating him. John wouldn’t pull over to the right lane, it was under construction, nor would he speed up and risk getting a ticket, even though the road construction would make it almost impossible for a policeman to give him a ticket. But he wasn’t going to take any chances and this aggressive driver would just have to back off or go around. However, he didn’t back off or go around, but continued to tailgate John.

“What’s his problem?” thought John.

There was no reason for him not to go around John because there were no oncoming cars in view. But the man continued to tailgate and began blowing his horn. This was John’s day off and he was not going to let this obnoxious driver ruin his day. Surely he would give up and go around, but instead he began to tailgate John even closer, still blaring his horn.

“Idiot! Back off!” screamed John.

Finally, the antagonist gunned his engine and proceeded to go around. John got ready to really let him have it when suddenly three words flashed across his mind, “love and forgive.” He had heard that voice before and knew to love and forgive this man would be the right thing to do, but it wasn’t going to happen. With great fury, John verbally blasted the insolent driver as the man drove past and sped away, exhaust fumes trailing.

John turned his attention back to the coastline with its sea birds, breaking waves and sunset, but it just wasn’t the same. The End

That, my friend, is the flesh, John’s carnal desires expressed contrary to the will of God. Now that you have some understanding of what the flesh is, let’s see how you can overcome the flesh to fulfill your God designed destiny.

To overcome the flesh (Galatians 5:16-21), you will need something very powerful, supernatural. You will need the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 8:26-27 says:

“Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities (weaknesses): for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God”

What is this scripture talking about? It is talking about you praying in tongues and allowing the Holy Spirit to pray the perfect prayer through you to your Heavenly Father. What is the perfect prayer the Holy Spirit prays for you? He prays for any weaknesses you might have which would hinder God’s perfect will for your life. This Holy Spirit intercession helps you to overcome the works of the flesh so you can fulfill the divine destiny God has ordained for your life.

How often should you pray in tongues? As often as you like. The more the better. Remember, you are praying in tongues to overcome the works of the flesh. How soon do you want results? The more you pray in tongues, the quicker the results. I suggest praying in tongues at least an hour a day. If that seems too overwhelming, then start out with fifteen minutes a day and build up to at least an hour. You will be rewarded for your efforts.

You can set aside a block of time to privately pray in tongues and or pray in tongues during your daily activities while you get ready for work or school, walking or driving to work or school or an event or while reading the Bible, another book or magazine, watching television, listening to music or whatever. Just use wisdom when you are praying in tongues in public, you don’t want people to think you are crazy! You can pray in tongues quietly, hardly moving your lips and no one has to know you are praying in tongues. There is no excuse for not praying in tongues during some time of the day if you have the ability to speak.

Jude 20,21 says you build yourself up on your most holy faith and keep yourself in the love of God when you pray in tongues. So praying in tongues can be spiritually edifying to you.

The Holy Spirit in you is the Spirit of Revelation, your Comforter, Counselor, and Intercessor among other things. Develop your relationship with Him. Talk to Him. Get quite before Him. Let Him reveal to you the Lord Jesus Christ.

Well, hopefully this article has revealed to you the value of praying in tongues so you can overcome the flesh and unlock God’s perfect plan for you, your divine destiny ordained by God. But what is your divine destiny? It is the assignment God has blessed you with to allow you to advance His kingdom. This assignment will include a revelation of your divine inheritance and who you are in Christ. To advance His kingdom involves you growing up into the fullness of Christ as His disciple and submitting your will to God, loving Him more than life, forsaking all (dead to the world, dead to the love of money and dead to the love of things so He can trust you to be a great spiritual, financial and material distribution center with a divine purpose) and continuing in study, meditation, and obedience to His Word.

Is it difficult, if not impossible to fulfill your divine destiny? Yes, if you try to do it in your own strength, but with God’s grace you and can do all things through Christ which strengthens you. What is God’s grace? It is His willingness to release His power and ability on your behalf. It is His unmerited favor given to you because of the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross.

Remember to always walk in love and forgiveness towards everyone, always obeying God’s Word so you don’t hinder His perfect will for your life. But if you don’t read His Word how will you know what to obey? Please read His Word daily so you will know what to obey, thus fulfilling His will for your life.

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Jesus said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” We are commanded by Him in Mark 16:15 to witness to the lost. Please don’t be a disobedient Christian and lose your soul winner’s crown awaiting you in heaven. Click “Soul Winner’s Crown” below to receive free online teaching on how to be a successful soul winner for God.