
Before learn

Before we learn

Significance of Early Childhood Education

Significance of Early Childhood Education

Early education of children begins at home from where they learn their basic values and virtues. Parents should take some time from their busy schedule to nurture their children into civilized human beings. These days as both mothers and fathers are job going; pre-schools, play-schools, and early education institutes play a vital role in child development.

Researches have proved that children between ages of 0 years to 6 years are very sensitive to learning and developing new skills. This is the most significant phase where they acquire specific skills, learn values, and grasp different language. It is strongly believed that babies under the age of six years are sharper and smarter when it comes to learning even the most difficult language of the world. The brains of babies are highly tuned to soak up various things and retain more information than adults can soak up. Even the known language specialists have revealed that small children have greater power to acquire language skills in terms of spoken words, tones, rhythm, and intonation.

All the information gained, skills acquired, values accepted, and habits formed at this early formative years of life actually frames the character of an individual. Their reasoning ability, their feelings, bonding with the family and peers, their beliefs, and their thoughts are all formed during these years of life. All the learning and skills also help to give a direction and meaning to life. Therefore, it is said that children should be given the best during the ages of 0 to 6 years so that they can learn good things and nurture their learning as they grow up. This makes them more responsible and socially viable in all ways of life.

In the recent years the sector of early childhood education has shown great improvement and remarkable success too. It has left an incredible mark on a child’s mental and physical development. It lays a strong foundation for future progression.

In India, pre-schools and early education is booming in all directions and phases. It is playing a vital role in the victorious progression of their future endeavors. Today, many of the international pre-schools brands have also made their footprints on Indian soil and some are planning to invade the country. These schools have established their operations and schools in various cities around the country and are successfully building foundations of human intelligence.