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Top 20 java courses – Simpliv Blog

Top 20 java courses – Simpliv Blog

Like many of you, I love quizzes, too. So, let me get a little quizzical and ask you which computer programming language I am talking about. These are the hints:

  • It is powerful
  • It is object oriented
  • It is general purpose
  • Desktop and mobile, android apps, IoT, games, web applications enterprise applications, embedded systems, network applications, and Big Data processing are just some of the areas in which it is used for development
  • Technologies such as J2EE, Struts, Servlets & JSP, Hibernate, Spring, JMS, and android for mobile applications are based on this language
  • As if these clues weren’t simple enough, here is the best introduction to it: it is used in over three billion devices worldwide!

Well, I know all these clues were no-brainers, which is why I want to tell you why you need to read this blog on the top 20 java courses! If a computer programming language has all these credentials, there can be no stronger reason to take a look at the top 20 java courses.

One perhaps doesn’t need to look beyond these highly encouraging numbers about java, the language that Oracle developed and released in the mid 1990’s. One certain point worth mentioning about java is that its growth looks nowhere like it is going to stall in the near future.

Facts support this assessment:

  • The market for java content management systems is set to reach nearly $3 billion by 2027, as it is slated to grow at an astonishing CAGR of over 10 percent
  • It is still the fifth most popular language among computer professionals, even more than 25 years of its release
  • Since it is used in most current technologies and is popular among companies such as, it is set to rise in stature
  • There is a continuing demand for java programming learning, with this market expected to touch almost $80 million by 2025.

Attractive as these figures are, the good news is that SimplivLearning brings you a lot more to cheer: it offers an amazing range of online courses on java! Without further deviation, let me introduce my pick of the top 20 java courses offered on this platform.

The wonderful thing about these courses is that they are taught by industry experts who know their onions, are flexible, which means they can be learnt at anytime from anywhere, and carry certifications, which add tremendous value to your career.

So, let us get going!

Designed for the wannabe java developer, this course puts you on the path to java learning. It will teach you java from scratch. You will learn to polish your java skills, which will give you the confidence to face java interviews. It will also prepare you for java certifications.

Being a total java course, this course will put you right from being at the lowest knowledge skill to being able to handle Object Oriented Programming and core java.

Rather than infusing rote learning, this course will explain the why of things. It will explain the logic behind the concepts in java, which will help you understand these well. You will learn to understand and challenge practices and concepts, which is what makes this course very interesting.

This course will have this curricular outline:

  • Variables, Data Types & Operators
  • Control Statement Types
  • Java Arrays, for-each loop & Command-line arguments
  • Packages, Classpath, User-input & Debugging
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Java Exceptions
  • String, StringBuilder & Wrapper classes
  • Enum.

This is a complete java course at which the special focus will be onObject Oriented Programming (OOP).  After offering you a theoretical explanation of OOP, this course will make you carry out a number of exercises, which will put you in a position to implement OOP concepts. 

By the time of completion of this course, you would be in a position to write and deploy java programs. You will learn to combine multiple programs to create some software applications.

It covers class, object, constructor, inheritance, polymorphism, overriding, etc. You will then move on to key components like type of inheritances- multilevel, single, hybrid, overriding vs overloading, specific keywords like super, final, etc. Learners will also be performing Code Analysis, which will help them understand OOP programs. By making them write and execute java programs, this course will place them in a position to implement each and every OOP concept.

For those facing java technical questions at tough interviews, this course provides the right support. This course will help you in understanding how to tackle core java questions at interviews.

You will get an idea of how most core java questions are framed at interviews and what kind of answers interviewers expect. All the topics pertaining to java, such as multi-threading, strings, exceptions, or for that matter, any other related topic, are explained in very engaging PPTs.

The tutor has divided this course into three sections: starters, conceptual and analytical, and confusing and think tank. Each of these sections has a number of questions, which will test your skills at core java and prepare you to face tough questions.

This is a java coding learning session all the way. Learners will go from beginner to advanced in a matter of a few hours of learning. This course will start by familiarizing the learner with elementary concepts such as Java Virtual Machine, Java Development Kit, Java Runtime Environment, and so on.

It will then move on to the more advanced programming including conditionals, at which if else, switch case, loops- for, while, do while, identifiers, datatypes, operators, etc., will be explained. From here, the learner will gain proficiency at Object Oriented Programming, at which class, object, constructor, inheritance, polymorphism, overriding, etc., will be explained in detail.

At this course at which practical exercises supplement theoretical learning, Swing, which is easy to use, develop and implement, will be included. This will give learners a very hands-on experience of GUI. They will learn to use GUI elements like button, label, radiobutton, Checkboxbutton, menu, progress bar, message, combo box, and option pane among others.

This course consists of this syllabus:

  • Introduction
  • Fundamentals
  • Control Statements
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Practical exercise
  • Java GUI Programming with Swing.

This is a compact course that will teach learn Java Programming for Machine Learning and Statistical Learning with Weka library. In CRISP DM data mining process, as many are aware, Machine Learning is at the modeling and evaluation stage.

With the Java Programming for Machine Learning teaching that this course offers, you will gain the ability to train your own prediction models with naive bayes, decision tree, knn, neural network, linear regression, and evaluate your models.

These are some of the areas covered at this course:

  • Data Mining Process
  • Data set
  • Split Training and Testing dataset
  • Create Java Application using NetBeans with Weka Jar
  • Simple Linear Regression
  • Linear Regression using Weka and Java
  • KMeans Clustering
  • KMeans Clustering in Weka and Java
  • Agglomeration Clustering
  • Agglomeration Clustering in Weka and Java
  • Decision Tree ID3 Algorithm
  • Decision Tree in Weka and Java
  • KNN Classification
  • KNN in Weka and Java
  • Naive Bayes Classification
  • Naive Bayes in Weka and Java
  • Neural Network Classification
  • Neural Network in Weka and Java, and lots more.

With nearly 50 presentations, this course will teach you how to use JavaFX and Swing for sparkling Java user interfaces. It covers these topics:

JavaFX: You will learn to design, create, test, debug, and deploy applications that operate consistently across diverse platforms.

Swing: You will be able to create a more sophisticated set of GUI compo.

Design: You will learn how Design Patterns are used and where they are applied in the real world.

You will walk away with the following:

  • Use Scenebuilder and FXML to effortlessly create UIs using dependency injection
  • Use menus, trees, buttons, tables and all the important standard UI-building techniques – both in JavaFX and in Swing
  • Build sophisticated user interfaces in Java, both in JavaFX and in Swing
  • Blur the lines between web and app development by using JavaScript and CSS
  • Use JavaFX Media support – build an entire, fully functional media player, and also know the limits of Java media capabilities
  • Understand the MVC paradigm and the observer and command patterns that underpin virtually all modern UI frameworks
  • Leverage the power of Properties and Bindings to get the little details right
  • Build business apps with charts and tables that rival spreadsheets like MS-Excel
  • Build 3D animations in JavaFX

Want to get started on java with NetBeans? This is a beginner level course for this topic. It will show you how to install the NetBeans IDE together with Java, create your first project, and start this project. You will get introduced to commands, variables, conditional statements, methods, classes, inheritance and visibility modifiers.

At this course, which is intended to make learners be able to build small java programs, you will learn about these:

  • Downloading and installing java and NetBeans
  • Variables
  • If-statements
  • The While-Loop and the Do-While-Loop
  • For-Loops
  • Switch-Statement
  • Assignments and Operators
  • Methods
  • Classes
  • Classes and Objects of Classes
  • Inheritance
  • Class Variables
  • Modifiers.

A thorough understanding of the Spring framework with real world project examples using Maven and Eclipse. This is the description that best suits this course. This Spring framework beginner course will start with a quick introduction to the Spring framework, at which learners will understand how to wire Java objects using Spring and dependency injection.

It will then teach:

  • Setting up your system for Spring development
  • Using Maven
  • Writing testable code with Spring.

The following features will be explained with examples:

  • Spring Container, Dependency, and IOC (Inversion of Control)
  • Aspect Oriented Programming
  • JDBC
  • Unit Testing with JUnit
  • Dependency Management with Maven.

All code belonging to the course is in GitHub.

Learning includes:

  • The latest Spring Framework 4.x in detail with code examples
  • How to debug, test and run Spring Framework applications
  • Dependency Injection
  • Using Java & XML Application Context
  • Spring AOP
  • Spring JDBC
  • Code unit tests using JUnit with Spring Framework
  • Basics of Spring MVC.

With this course, you will learn the way Java works as a programming language, and how Selenium works as a test automation tool. It will teach you to use Selenium with Java to functionally test your web application live.

Learners, consisting of Freshers, Testers, Developers, and those in Management, will be able to implement different frameworks over Selenium. They will be able to create an end to end test automation suite for web application using Selenium and java.

This is the syllabus for this course:


  • Introduction to Test Automation and Selenium
  • Selenium IDE Commands and Locators


  • Introduction to Java Programming Language
  • Numeric, Boolean Operators, Conditional and Looping statements
  • Strings, Arrays and Hashes
  • Regular Expression, Files and Exception Handling
  • Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
  • Debugging and Introduction to Selenium WebDriver


  • Functions of Webelement, Parameterization and Synchronization
  • WebTable, DropDown, Alerts and IE
  • Page Object Model, and introduction to grid
  • Action, AutoIT, Sikuli with Selenium
  • Introduction to TestNg
  • Framework Components, Demo of Hybrid and Keyword Driven Framework
  • BDD Cucumber with Selenium
  • Best Practices, Resume and Interview Preparation.

Through a vast range of examples and explanations, this course will familiarize you with Java programming, Text Mining, and Natural Language Processing fundamentals in a fast and practical way.  

By the time you complete this course, you will have learnt to develop your own Text Mining Application.

You will learn the following at this course:

  • Introduction
  • Getting Started (Installing IDE, …)
  • Language Essentials I (variables, data types, …)
  • Language Essentials II (loops, if… else…, methods)
  • Object Essentials (classes, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, …)
  • Text Mining Essentials (Import Text Files, Text Transformation (lowercase, stopwords), Text Understanding (Stanford NLP), Text Classification (Stanford Classifier) 
  • Conclusion.

This course focuses purely on the basics of Groovy, which is used for web and web services automation. In fact, this course is so focused on this topic that it does not even touch upon any automation tools, giving you complete knowledge of how to use Groovy in your automation scripts. Please note that this course is for testers, not developers.

Described in simple and relatable language and style, this course is designed to help you apply in your projects all that you have learnt here. All the code files you need for building projects are supplied at this course.

By making the description step-by-step, this course is aimed at helping even those with no deep understanding of Groovy.

This course will give you:

  • An understanding of the basics of Groovy
  • The knowledge needed to apply the knowledge to automate web applications using Selenium
  • The ability to apply the knowledge you gain, to automate web services testing with Soap UI.

If you have been thinking of how to take your first steps at java programming, welcome to this course.  It will give you an understanding of key concepts in basic java, java code and java development, and show you how to apply them while coding.

This course will help you kickstart your Java learning, providing you with the key concepts necessary to write basic code. The learning imparted at this course will help you build a strong understanding of Java, giving you a solid idea of how to build Java code.

This introductory course will show you these:

  • How code structure works in Java
  • Variables
  • Java Development Kit Installation
  • Operators (Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, and Assignment)
  • Classes, Objects, Loops, and Arrays
  • Methods and Recursion
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).

From the learning gained at this course, you will be able to:

  • Write Hello World in Java
  • Create a Java project and a Java class in Eclipse
  • Assign variables, learn about different variable types and know how to use them
  • Use operators with simple examples and homework
  • Go through and sort arrays using loops (for, if, while)
  • Create methods and learn about Object Oriented Programming terms.

JShell is a new Shell console that has been included in the Java programming language from Java 9. This course offers an introduction to how to use the JShell for a basic introduction into the Java programming language.

Variables, operators, conditional statements and functions are covered. This course will also describe classes and objects. An exercise that is part of this course will give you the skill needed to be able to write a simple program. This exercise is about how to program a simple compound interest calculator. In other words, by the time you complete this course, you will be able to develop a simple Java program on the command line.

This is the syllabus designed for this course:

  • Introduction
  • Operators and Variables
  • Conditional Statements, Loops and Arrays
  • Methods
  • Exercise and Outlook.

At this highly practical course for the experienced java developer, the tutor, an IT security expert, will show how to implement document hashing and secure password hashing into Java applications using the Java Cryptography Architecture. This applies to Web applications and Java-based Desktop applications (e.g., Swing, AWT, SWT/RCP, JavaFX), as well as database and backend applications, and Android apps.

You will learn how to encode hashes in-memory and stream-based. This course will show you how to use salt and iteration count for secure password hashing following PBKDF2 from the security standard PKCS#5. The hands-on coding examples given at this course can be directly used within your enterprise applications.

Learning includes how to:

  • Integrate file hashing into Java applications and Android apps
  • Integrate secure password hashing into Java applications and Android apps.

There is a lot of learning this 12-hour course offers. It will build in you the foundations of Java and give mastery over the topics of the Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 8 Programmer Exam (1Z0-808).

This course is designed to teach the nuts and bolts of Java to those who are looking to start a career in software development, as well as developers who are looking to increase their marketability.

This course starts off with an introduction to how to use the Java Eclipse IDE and the basic programming syntax. From here, it moves through the language covering object-oriented programming, and then to important modern Java concepts such as Lambdas.

The job market beckons those who have mastery of the java syntax. This course teaches the learner not only this all-important skill; it takes them beyond it, by introducing them to best practices and object-oriented programming idioms.

Also, the topics covered help prepare the learner for the Oracle Certified Associate, Java Programmer SE 8 exam (a certification which demonstrates to potential employers a fundamental level of proficiency with the language). Having said this, this course is equally suited for those who just want to learn and not necessarily take the exam.

With the learning gained from this course, you can:

  • Read and write basic command line programs in Java
  • Understand how to use an Integrated Development Environment (Eclipse) to develop and debug programs
  • Generate HTML based documentation (Javadoc) for code
  • Gain a solid understanding of the topics covered in the exam to become an Oracle Certified – Associate, Java SE 8 Programmer (Java SE 8 Programmer I 1Z0-808).

Functional programming, or programming with functions, is a programming paradigm. In being deterministic, it makes programs easier to reason with, as one specific input always gives the same output.

This course helps you understand functional programming. It will offer learning of one of the most powerful elements of the Java programming language, by which you will be able to write programs by coding the base functions needed and combining these functions into higher-level ones, repeating the process until you have a single function corresponding to the program you are building.

The transparency of these programs enables them to be reused to build other programs without any modifications, which saves time and allows you to focus on the further development of your project. This course includes everything from how to write more readable functional code, to how to process discrete data sets using the stream interface, to being able to write your own Lambdas.

It starts by explaining the use of generic data structures in Java. It offers a number of practical examples, such as implementing a Pair class, and using a generic comparator function to sort a list of generic objects with an explanation of the need for generics. It will also explain practical use cases.

With this course, you will:

  • Learn one of the most powerful elements of the Java programming language
  • Start coding the required base functions and combine these functions into higher-level ones
  • Have a single function corresponding to the program you are building.
  • Build other programs without any modifications to save time and allow you to focus on the further development of your project.
  • Write more readable functional code, to process discrete data sets using the stream interface, then write your own Lambdas.

This course offers you valuable and innovative tips, tricks and techniques which will help you avoid errors and repetitions while coding in java 11 and 12. It will show you how you can become an efficient java 11 and 12 programmer with its set of proven techniques.

By the end of this course, you will have learned some exciting Java 12 tips, best practices, and techniques. You will be able to perform tasks and get the best out of your code much more easily and quickly.

With the set of these tips, tricks and techniques, you will be able to:

  • Explore the latest features of the newest Java Development Kit
  • Build an environment in IntelliJ IDEA to develop Java 11 source code
  • Discover new non-developer features, ranging from nest-based access control to garbage collector settings and more
  • Create a Java runtime environment that only includes the modules you really need for your application
  • Become more confident in developing Java code thanks to the new tips and proven techniques
  • Be more efficient and write your own code in an up-to-date way with far fewer bugs.

Tableau is the ideal program for helping any business develop creative and powerful data visualizations. Professionals that are looking to spot trends, outliers, and patterns gain tremendous value from Tableau’s insightful, data-driven business focus.

This course will enable you to master the art of creating insightful visualizations from complex data using Tableau 10. It will let you explore the dynamics of this program so that you can use this knowledge to help your business get a lot of insight from data.

You will be able to:

  • Unleash the newest features and enhancements of Tableau 10
  • Understand the key concepts of Data Prep such as Joins, Blends, Cross Database Joins, Shared Data Connection design, and metadata
  • Explore the dynamic capabilities within Tableau 10 and interact with data
  • Build and employ advanced calculations using Quick calcs, Table calcs, and Level of Detail
  • Get to grips with the best practices for effective Visual design.

Data analysis is a process of inspection, consolidation, and transformation of data, which helps to make sense of it and aid the decision-making process. Effective data analysis depends on how efficiently data is transferred through three main states: data, information, and knowledge.

It goes without saying that data analysis is very crucial because getting swamped by data clogs the decision making. With data analysis, data can be chaffed and converted into information and can be presented in a form that can be easily consumed by humans and Machine Learning algorithms alike.

This course explains the various techniques of pre-processing your data. It will explain all the basic concepts of data analysis using java. By the time you complete this course, you will understand:

  • The various data pre-processing techniques
  • The basics of data analysis and explore how data changes state
  • How to implement statistical data analysis techniques using Java APIs
  • The ways of using JDBC to connect Java to SQL and MySQL databases
  • Work with NoSQL databases.

Using Design Patterns helps a software developer avoid using new and untested design, which reduces the technical risk to a project. The range of tried and tested solutions to common problems and best practices is what enables Design Patterns do this.

This course is a practical guide to learning Design Patterns with an extensive emphasis on coding. It encourages learners to code even as they learn the course.  It will explain the benefits that developers experience when they use Design Patterns in their regular working environment. It will then move on to explaining the more detailed areas of design patterns.

This course contains:

  • Easy-to-understand code examples for understanding complex coding issues 
  • Brain-friendly examples with real-life analogies
  • Practical coding examples for practice and ease of understanding
  • Mini projects as assignments to ensure that you are able to apply Design Patterns
  • Practical guide for Design Patterns (not boring theory but 100% practical coding as a reference guide)
  • Help in developing good coding habits
  • Aid in understanding complex designs and architecture effortlessly
  • Learning on how to develop non-cluttered reusable code with industry standard proven solutions documented in Design Patterns.

This blog on the top 20 java courses has been written keeping in mind the fact that learning the various elements of java is very essential to the java developer. We hope that you find this set of top 20 java courses useful. Our idea is to complement your knowledge of java and make it well rounded, so that you do better at a job interview in java, or grow in the area if you are already in it. It is our fond hope that this course has served this purpose!

Please feel free to share your thoughts about this blog on the top 20 java courses. We love to hear from you.