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What Are the Benefits of Preschool for Parent and Child?

What Are the Benefits of Preschool for Parent and Child?

There are a number of benefits for sending your kids to preschool, here are some of the top reasons preschool is a great idea:

One of the best benefits of preschool is that they get to be with a teacher, and are introduced to a classroom setting, where the teacher is the authority figure, and they have to share with classmates, etc. It is important that your child is able to recognize that teachers are in charge, and get used to listening to them, and obeying their rules.

Another great benefit is to provide them with opportunity for group time where they have to share attention, the spot light, toys, etc. It gives them a chance to learn how to interact with others when they have to share attention. It is a great opportunity for a kid to get used to the classroom dynamic, and their place in it. If not, your child may expect more one on one time, spotlight time, and attention then they are going to get, and it could lead to some real tantrums, etc.

Another benefit of preschool is that the activity time, allows your child to work on problem solving skills, exercise their creativity, and learn to use their imagination. These skills will all come into play when they start kindergarten, and will be important foundations for other learning. When they are in a preschool setting, they have structured activities that are organized, but that are also open for play and pretend, and creativity. This is great for stimulating the mind and helping kids get in the learning mode.

Another great part of preschool is that it is less formal, it allows kids to have snack time, and other time that means they can learn things like manners, healthy interaction together, and what not. It is a great place for kids to work out their differences because it is a neutral territory, without anyone owning the toys, or having some sort of priority or seniority.

Preschool gives children the chance to learn comprehension, narrative skills, abstract thinking, and many other skills they will need when they enter formal education. For example, they will learn to listen, concentrate. One of the fun things about a kid being in preschool is that it allows them to have fun story times and other learning times that help them learn to apply their skills without the pressure of a parent forcing them to.
Another benefit of preschool is that it usually has a recess type time, and the physical exertion is great for kids, especially when it is regular exercise. Kids can really benefit from it.

Lastly, one of the biggest benefits of preschool is the academic side of it. It helps kids learn their alphabet and numbers, and the other basic skills that need to be mastered before a kid starts kindergarten.