
Before learn

Before we learn

Yes, Reading is That Important!

Yes, Reading is That Important!

The National Network for Child Care explains that reading with your child is important. Why would the National Network for Child Care be commenting on the importance of reading with your child? It seems that Child Care is more categorized by dealing with unhealthy situations in the home. Reading to your child is caring for their well-being and educational standards because it defines the basis of their learning process. Why is reading to a child beneficial in the home?

There are basic reasons behind this. It increases children’s vocabulary, stimulates the imagination, teaches them how to listen, helps improve self-esteem and encourages positive social interaction. These are a few basic principals that need to be taught in the home in order to gain ideal educational goals. Reading stories to children encourages them to read and helps develop emotions and intelligence. Reading to children in the early stages of their learning process, helps to prepare them for kindergarten and school experiences in the future (http://www.beyond-words.org/reading_importance.htm). Reading with a child is the one of the most important projects a parent can do to better his educational success.

Reading together can bring a closeness and sense of security between the parent and child. Dr. Bruce Perry explains, “The most important property of humankind is the capacity to form and maintain relationships. These relationships are absolutely necessary for any of us to survive, learn, work, love, and procreate.. Within this inner circle of intimate relationships, we are bonded to each other with “emotional glue” — bonded with love” (http://teacher.scholastic.com/professional/bruceperry/bonding.htm). Parents can hold their child and share a special moment when reading to them. This time can give the child a sense of love and importance in their parents life. Reading can help form an attachment to their parental figure.

The National Assessment of English Reading tested around eight thousand first and fifth class students at schools around the country. Here is what the tests found in regards to the importance of reading in the home. “The study found that children who are read to before starting school perform better than average” (http://www.theepochtimes.com/news/6-2-4/37699.html). All these explanations prove that reading in the home is as important as feeding a child. Parents need to feed their children’s education and can do it simply by sitting down with their child for 20 minuts a day and read a book to them. If this can’t be done, the parent could have the child read to by a close sibling or in the extreme, online tutoring.

Reading is so important in the home and really sets the basis for the educational success of a child. Reading brings closeness to a family and encourages the building of self-esteem which will last into adulthood. Why would the National Network for Child Care bother with teaching parents about the importance of reading with their child? Simple, reading is that important to care about.