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Master of Professional Accountancy – MPA

Master of Professional Accountancy – MPA

Master of Professional Accountancy is a graduate professional study program designed to prepare students for public accounting and to provide them with 150 credit hours required by most states before taking the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam. Usually MPA is a one-two year program, consisting of all graduate accounting courses or a combination of graduate accounting courses, graduate tax courses and other graduate business electives. Entry into the course has been offered for the past four years, and enrollments have risen considerably during this time.

Master of Accountancy is a specialized program provides a strong knowledge of accounting principles and business applications. It offers students the flexibility to choose from a wide variety of possible course combinations to tailor their academics to their individual needs. The programs provide students with superior levels of skill across the spectrum of possible accounting professions and are structured with this goal in mind.

MPA offers graduate opportunities even for non-accounting disciplines to meet the admission requirements of the Accounting professional bodies and qualify as accountants. MPA degree will afford you marketability, flexibility and advancement – essential ingredients for long-term career success.

Prominent Universities for MPA
The following are some of the notable universities of three major study destinations, which are reputed for Masters in Accounting study programs:

University of Illinois
Brigham Young University
University of Texas
Vanderbilt University

Bangor University
De Montfort University
University of Greenwich
University of Essex
University of Kent

Australian Catholic University
University of Ballarat
University of Canberra
Charles Darwin University
James Cook University

Master of Professional Accounting program offers an exceptional curriculum that prepares students for accounting careers by expanding upon their leadership, technical, analytical, communication, and learning abilities within an ethical framework. Essential skills development includes critical thinking, effective written and oral communication, effective teamwork, and proficiency in the use of the computer for research, retrieval, and problem solving.